Ticket T1282746
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Badge on DxMenuItem

created a day ago (modified a day ago)


I am looking for a way to add a badge to a DxMenuItem.
I have seen the DxButton example. Tried to apply it on DxMenuItem:

<DxMenuItem Text="@Loc["Notifications"]" IconCssClass="menuicon fa-solid fa-bell" Visible="@isAuthenticated" Context="notificationContext" > @notificationContext <span class="badge">99</span> </DxMenuItem>

But it results in an error: @notificationContext is not in current context.

So I tried with Template:

<DxMenuItem Text="@Loc["Notifications"]" IconCssClass="menuicon fa-solid fa-bell" Visible="@isAuthenticated" Context="notificationContext" > <Template> @notificationContext <span class="badge">99</span> </Template> </DxMenuItem>

But this results in:

Next step: use Dxbutton with Template:

<DxMenuItem Text="@Loc["Notifications"]" IconCssClass="menuicon fa-solid fa-bell" Visible="@isAuthenticated" Context="notificationContext" > <Template> <DxButton Text = "@notificationContext.Text" RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Link" RenderStyleMode="ButtonRenderStyleMode.Text" IconCssClass="@notificationContext.IconCssClass" Context="buttonContext" > @buttonContext <span class="badge">99</span> </DxButton> </Template> </DxMenuItem>


  1. DxButton has another 'primary' color (hover) than the rest of the DxMenuItems.
  2. I am using a DxFormLayout to apply a selected SizeMode to all components. But is does not match:

Is there any easier way to implement badges?
Many thanks,

Lou Driehuis

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 hours ago


Thank you for the screenshots.

I believe the easiest way to add a badge to a menu item is to put it in TextTemplate. This way, you can display an icon, an item text, and a badge.

<DxMenuItem Text="AAA" IconCssClass="fa-solid fa-bell" Context="ctx"> <TextTemplate> <span>@ctx.Text</span> <span class="badge text-bg-primary">99</span> </TextTemplate> </DxMenuItem>

However, TextTemplate content is hidden when items are collapsed to icons. If you need to display icons along with badges when items are collapsed, use the following approach instead:

  1. Add an extra CSS class to the DxMenuItem.IconCssClass property.
  2. In the corresponding CSS class, specify CSS styles to create an element that looks like a badge.
.my-icon::after{ top: 5px; background-color: red; position: absolute; content: '99'; color: white; border-radius: 100%; font-size: xx-small; padding: 2px; }

Please let me know if this helps.

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