Example T1280534
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Word Processing Document API - Generate a Table Of Contents (TOC)

This example illustrates available solutions to generate a table of contents (TOC) in a document.

The example demonstrates the following approaches to mark TOC entries:

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using DevExpress.Portable.Input; using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit; using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; namespace RichEditTOCGeneration { class Program { /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Select an approach to generate a TOC:\r\nBased on Styles - enter 1\r\nBased on outline levels - enter 2\r\nBased on TC fields - enter 3\r\n"); var answer = Console.ReadLine(); string documentName = ""; switch (answer) { case "1": documentName = ApplyStyles(); break; case "2": documentName = AssignOutlineLevels(); break; case "3": documentName = AddTCFields(); break; } var p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(documentName) { UseShellExecute = true }; p.Start(); } private static string ApplyStyles() { using (RichEditDocumentServer wordProcessor = new RichEditDocumentServer()) { wordProcessor.Options.Hyperlinks.ModifierKeys = PortableKeys.None; wordProcessor.LoadDocument("Employees.rtf"); Document document = wordProcessor.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); SearchForTOCEntries(document, delegate (DocumentPosition location, int level) { document.Paragraphs.Get(location).Style = GetStyleForLevel(document, level); }); InsertTOC(document, "\\h", true); document.EndUpdate(); string documentName = "Employees_with_Styles_TOC.docx"; wordProcessor.SaveDocument(documentName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml); Console.WriteLine(documentName+" is created"); return documentName; } } private static string AssignOutlineLevels() { using (RichEditDocumentServer wordProcessor = new RichEditDocumentServer()) { wordProcessor.Options.Hyperlinks.ModifierKeys = PortableKeys.None; wordProcessor.LoadDocument("Employees.rtf"); Document document = wordProcessor.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); SearchForTOCEntries(document, delegate (DocumentPosition location, int level) { document.Paragraphs.Get(location).OutlineLevel = level; }); InsertTOC(document, "\\h \\u", true); document.EndUpdate(); string documentName = "Employees_with_Outlines_TOC.docx"; wordProcessor.SaveDocument(documentName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml); Console.WriteLine(documentName + " is created"); return documentName; } } private static string AddTCFields() { using (RichEditDocumentServer wordProcessor = new RichEditDocumentServer()) { wordProcessor.Options.Hyperlinks.ModifierKeys = PortableKeys.None; wordProcessor.LoadDocument("Employees.rtf"); Document document = wordProcessor.Document; document.BeginUpdate(); SearchForTOCEntries(document, delegate (DocumentPosition location, int level) { document.Fields.Create(location, string.Format("TC \"{0}\" \\f {1} \\l {2}", document.GetText(document.Paragraphs.Get(location).Range), "defaultGroup", level)); }); InsertTOC(document, "\\h \\f defaultGroup", true); document.Fields.Update(); document.EndUpdate(); string documentName = "Employees_with_TCFields_TOC.docx"; wordProcessor.SaveDocument(documentName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml); Console.WriteLine(documentName + " is created"); return documentName; } } private static void SearchForTOCEntries(Document document, Action<DocumentPosition, int> callback) { for (int i = 0; i < document.Paragraphs.Count; i++) { DocumentRange range = document.CreateRange(document.Paragraphs[i].Range.Start, 1); CharacterProperties cp = document.BeginUpdateCharacters(range); int level = 0; if (cp.FontSize.Equals(14f)) level = 1; if (cp.FontSize.Equals(13f)) level = 2; if (cp.FontSize.Equals(11f)) level = 3; document.EndUpdateCharacters(cp); if (level != 0) callback(range.Start, level); } } private static void InsertTOC(Document document, string switches, bool insertHeading) { if (insertHeading) InsertContentHeading(document); Field field = document.Fields.Create(document.Paragraphs[(insertHeading ? 1 : 0)].Range.Start, "TOC " + switches); CharacterProperties cp = document.BeginUpdateCharacters(field.Range); cp.Bold = false; cp.FontSize = 12; cp.ForeColor = Color.Blue; document.EndUpdateCharacters(cp); document.InsertSection(field.Range.End); field.Update(); } private static void InsertContentHeading(Document document) { DocumentRange range = document.InsertText(document.Range.Start, "Contents\r\n"); CharacterProperties cp = document.BeginUpdateCharacters(range); cp.FontSize = 18; cp.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue; document.EndUpdateCharacters(cp); Paragraph paragraph = document.Paragraphs[0]; paragraph.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; paragraph.Style = document.ParagraphStyles["Normal"]; paragraph.OutlineLevel = 0; } private static ParagraphStyle GetStyleForLevel(Document document, int level) { string styleName = "Paragraph Level " + level.ToString(); ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle = document.ParagraphStyles[styleName]; if (paragraphStyle == null) { paragraphStyle = document.ParagraphStyles.CreateNew(); paragraphStyle.Name = styleName; paragraphStyle.Parent = document.ParagraphStyles["Normal"]; paragraphStyle.OutlineLevel = level; document.ParagraphStyles.Add(paragraphStyle); } return paragraphStyle; } } }

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