Ticket T1280024
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Iterate through ALL FilteredRecords if GridMode = true

created 5 days ago (modified 5 days ago)


I have a cxGridDBTableView with GridMode = true. I want to iterate through ALL FilteredRecords. I'm using this code:

var ADataController: TcxGridDBDataController; I: Integer; begin ADataController := cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController; for I := 0; to ADataController.FilteredRecordCount - 1 do cxMemo1.Lines.Add(ADataController.DisplayTexts[ADataController.FilteredRecordIndex[I], 0]); end;

I have about 1000 records, but FilteredRecordCount is ALWAYS 63 (=GridModeBufferCount?!). How to use ALL FilteredRecords?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 days ago


This behavior is expected. When Grid uses the grid mode, the data controller loads a fixed number of dataset records based on your conditions. If you wish to get all records that match your filter (not only those that are loaded currently), I recommend you iterate through your records at the database level.
If it does not meet your requirements, please describe your task in greater detail. What do you need to do with these records after that?

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