Ticket T1280004
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Drag and Drop from external Grid to scheduler

created 5 days ago

Hi im wondering if it is possible to drag from an extrernal grid into the blazor scheduler and have this create an appointment on drop?


are you able to provide a sample iif this is possible?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 days ago

Hi Damien,

Thank you for your screenshot.

DxScheduler doesn't have an API to drag an appointment from outside the component. I forwarded your request on to our team and logged it.

In the meantime, we have an example that illustrates a possible way to use jQuery widgets (draggable and droppable) to implement the drag-drop usage scenario between two grids: Blazor Grid - Incorporate Drag and Drop Support. You can implement the same idea with DxScheduler. Please note that we don't have any examples for it, so we cannot share any ready-to-use code.

Feel free to contact us if you have further questions.

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