Ticket T1279983
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Bootstrap dropdown menu clipped in DxGrid cell

created 5 days ago

Just finished migrating the DxDataGrid in our application to DxGrid.


<DxGrid Data="@dataSource" CssClass="simple-grid" ShowFilterRow="false" PagerVisible="false" AllowSelectRowByClick="false" SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Single" PageSize="50"> <Columns> <DxGridDataColumn TextAlignment="GridTextAlignment.Left" FieldName="@nameof(TicketInListViewModel.Id)" Caption="Ticket"> <CellDisplayTemplate> <TicketInList Ticket="@((TicketInListViewModel)context.DataItem)" DataWasStored="@(async () => await handleDataWasStored())" BackUrl="@BackUrl"/> </CellDisplayTemplate> </DxGridDataColumn> </Columns> </DxGrid>

I'm using a CellDisplayTemplate to completely provide my own content for each row.

In each row I'm using a Bootstrap Dropdown menu.

This worked perfectly well in DxDataGrid.

After migrating to DxGrid I discovered that the menu is clipped to the bounds of the owning cell of the DxGrid.

I was able to achieve some improvements by defining some custom CSS:

.simple-grid { &.dxbl-grid { .dxbl-grid-table { > tbody > tr > td, > thead > tr > th { overflow: visible !important; } } } }

This works for all cell except the last one, where it seems other parent elements also have clipping configured (I assume some overflow: hidden in the owning table or even higher in the DOM).

My question

How can I have a Bootstrap 5.x Dropdown menu in a DxGrid's CellDisplayTemplate without the menu being clipped?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 days ago

Hello Uwe,

You can assign the same CSS class to each cell in the CustomizeElement event handler. Then, show the hidden content in the corresponding CSS class.

private void OnCustomizeElement(GridCustomizeElementEventArgs e){ if (e.ElementType == GridElementType.DataCell){ e.CssClass = "my-cell"; } }

Note: We have implemented a similar component called DxDropDownButton in v24.2. With this component, you don't need to apply additional CSS to grid cells. Refer to our demos to see this component in action: Styles.

I hope this helps.

    Comments (3)

      Thank you very much, Tim.

      Your suggested OnCustomizeElement does not provide any improvement, it behaves the same as my custom CSS solution (not clipped in all cells except the last row's cell).

      Since the Bootstrap Dropdown menu is much faster than the DxDropDownButton, I'll try to stick to Bootstrap.

      I'll continue investigating on how to solve this.

      John (DevExpress Support) a day ago

        Hi Uwe,

        To offer you more precise recommendations, would you please share a simple sample project that illustrates your current grid and Bootstrap Dropdown implementation? This way, we can analyze this behavior closely and assist you more efficiently. We'll do our best to help.

        We look forward to your response.

          Thanks a lot, John!

          I just finished building a minimal sample project: https://github.com/UweKeim/T1279983

          And to my surprise, this did not clip the menu.

          So it must be something in my project that does this weird behavior.

          I'll try to finde the cause and will post an update here.

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