I have two grids that have multiple master filter and drill down turned on. It doesn't matter what columns I have, but when I try to rename the grids to the name of the first column in that respective grid, I get the following error. I renamed Grid1 to ShipRegion and Grid2 to ShipAddress. It should be noted that I only get this error when I am manually typing the name. When I copy and paste the name in, I can rename it just fine and save. Why does manually typing the name get me this error? Sometimes it fails on the first one rename but will always fail the second if the first one didn't fail.
Call StackDevExpress.Data.Internal.XtraSerializationSecurityTrace.NonTrustedTypeDeserializationException: 'The DevExpress.DashboardCommon.ViewerData.AxisPointTuple, DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.1.Core type is not in the list of trusted types and therefore is not deserialized due to security reasons. See the https://go.devexpress.com/Jan2019_Deserialization_Issue.aspx article for additional information.'
I created a small sample based on your usage scenario with the latest dashboard version (v24.2.5), but I couldn't reproduce the issue (see the attached screencast). Thus, I can't give you specific recommendations. Could you please try to reproduce this behavior in my sample? It will be helpful if you modify it to illustrate the issue. We will be in a better position to find a solution once we reproduce the issue locally.
As a side note, we always encourage migrating to the latest available version, as it includes performance enhancements, fixes for all known issues, and new features (Current Versions, Supported IDEs, Version History). As such, please check to see if an upgrade to v24.2.5 (see Version Upgrade Guide for Web Reporting) resolves the issue.
I downloaded your sample project and built it against 24.2.3 since that is what I had downloaded. I've included videos of me reproducing this. In your example you didn't name it correctly, you named them the wrong column name.