Ticket T1279894
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ASP.NET BarCode 128

created 3 days ago


I am attempting to generate a barcode 128. If I leave barCode.AutoSize = true; the barcode works great. I can successfully scan it.
However if I set barCode.AutoSize = false; then the bar code image comes across as shown in the attached image. This cannot be scanned. How can I change the barcode height and width to generate a barcode I can use?

Thank you.,

private void BarCode_Test1(PdfGraphics graph, string CodeText, int xAxis, int yAxis, int Width, int Height) { BarCode barCode = new BarCode(); barCode.Symbology = Symbology.Code128; barCode.Options.Code128.Charset = Code128CharacterSet.CharsetB; barCode.Options.Code128.ShowCodeText = true; barCode.CodeText = CodeText; // Example: "JOB109379"; barCode.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; barCode.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;![Clipboard-File-1.png](/attachment/file/b771cefe-5eac-4db9-88fe-fca33ec0fb19) barCode.RotationAngle = 0; barCode.DpiX = 72; barCode.DpiY = 72; barCode.AutoSize = false; barCode.ImageWidth = Width; barCode.ImageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Width * .333); // Height; barCode.Module = 1f; graph.DrawImage(barCode.BarCodeImage, new PointF(xAxis-200, yAxis)); }
Comments (1)
Sasha (DevExpress Support) 2 days ago

    Hello Jack,

    Thank you for the code snippet. I reviewed it but didn't find an obvious reason for the issue. If I understand correctly, you are adding the generated BarCodeImage to a PDF file:

    graph.DrawImage(barCode.BarCodeImage, new PointF(xAxis-200, yAxis));

    If so, would you please ensure that you use correct DPI when you are calling the AddToPageForeground method:

    graph.AddToPageForeground(page, 72, 72);

    If it doesn't help, please modify the attached project to illustrate the issue or share your own project where the issue is reproducible.

    I look forward to your results.

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