Ticket T1279772
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v24.2.5 AzureRouteOptions set to computeBestOrder = false crashing

created 2 days ago


Thank you very much for the new DevExpress 24.2.5 version as now we can get the Azure map service to create optimised routes.

However when don't want to optimize the route the application is crashing. Either setting computeBestOrder = false or not setting it at all, getting NullReferenceException. Even tried to set the computeBestOrder = false by also setting routetype = eco, just in case requires both of them even if the Microsoft documentation says that's not needed. (see attached image)

Here is a code sample for the logic statement. The language used is Oxygene (Objective Pascal)

if aSelectedOptimization <> 'None' then
lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('routetype', aSelectedOptimization.ToLower);
lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('computeBestOrder', 'true');
else begin
lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('computeBestOrder', 'false');

Not setting computeBestOrder didn't crash the application with 24.2.4 which is the previous version used when started development of the current map module. Previous version was just checking if the value is not "None" to parse the optional.

Here is the whole sub doing the work.

method D0746MapGenerator.LoadAzureMap(aInstanceId : Integer; aSiteName : String; aDepartAt : DateTime; aInstanceNode : TreeListNode; aSelectedOptimization : String := 'None');
lAzureRouteDataProvider : AzureRouteDataProvider := new AzureRouteDataProvider;
lAzureMapDataProviderImagery : AzureMapDataProvider := new AzureMapDataProvider;
lAzureMapDataProviderBaseHybridRoad : AzureMapDataProvider := new AzureMapDataProvider;
lRouteLocationslist : List<RouteWaypoint> := new List<RouteWaypoint>();
lRouteInfoLayer : InformationLayer := new InformationLayer();
lImageLayerImagery : ImageLayer := new ImageLayer();
lImageLayerBaseHybridRoad : ImageLayer := new ImageLayer();
lVectorItemsLayer : VectorItemsLayer;
lAzureRouteOptions : AzureRouteOptions := new AzureRouteOptions();

//get the list
lRouteLocationslist := self.GetRouteLocationWaypoints(aInstanceId, aSiteName);
self.fProcessInstance := aInstanceNode; //store this for later on when handling the event to load the metadata
//clear everything
//set the Route Data Provider
lAzureRouteDataProvider.AzureKey := ReflexAzureKey;
lAzureRouteDataProvider.RouteCalculated += AzureRouteDataProvider_OnRouteCalculated; //
lAzureRouteDataProvider.LayerItemsGenerating += AzureRouteDataProvider_LayerItemsGenerating;

lAzureMapDataProviderImagery.AzureKey := ReflexAzureKey;
lAzureMapDataProviderImagery.Tileset := AzureTileset.BaseRoad;

lAzureMapDataProviderBaseHybridRoad.AzureKey := ReflexAzureKey;
lAzureMapDataProviderBaseHybridRoad.Tileset := AzureTileset.BaseHybridRoad;

//set the information layer

lRouteInfoLayer.DataProvider := lAzureRouteDataProvider;
lRouteInfoLayer.Error += RouteInfoLayer_Error;

lImageLayerImagery.DataProvider := lAzureMapDataProviderImagery;
lImageLayerBaseHybridRoad.DataProvider := lAzureMapDataProviderBaseHybridRoad;


lRouteInfoLayer.ItemStyle.StrokeWidth := 2;
lRouteInfoLayer.ItemStyle.Stroke := Color.DeepSkyBlue;

self.fMapControl.SetCenterPoint(new GeoPoint(self.fOriginLat, self.fOriginLon), false);
self.fMapControl.EnableRotation := false;


var newDepart: DateTime := new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, aDepartAt.Hour, aDepartAt.Minute, aDepartAt.Second);

lAzureRouteOptions.TravelMode := AzureTravelMode.Van;

lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters := new Dictionary<String,String>();

lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('departAt', newDepart.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffK'));

if aSelectedOptimization <> 'None' then
lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('routetype', aSelectedOptimization.ToLower);
lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('computeBestOrder', 'true');
else begin
lAzureRouteOptions.CustomParameters.Add('computeBestOrder', 'false');

lAzureRouteDataProvider.CalculateRoute(lRouteLocationslist, lAzureRouteOptions);

on lError : Exception do
// Handle the exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Format('An error occurred with Azure Map service {0} {1}', Environment.NewLine, lError.Message));



Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 18 hours ago

Hello Panos,

First of all, thank you for your kind words. We are happy to hear that DevExpress v24.2.5 meets your requirements.

Regarding your report - thank you for the detailed description. We successfully recreated the project in C# and reproduced the issue. I forwarded it to our developers for further research. We will update the following ticket once we have news: AzureRouteOptions v24.2.5 - Exception Occurs When Router Loads Vector Items with computeBestOrder Set to False. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.


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