Ticket T1279762
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How to format duration as HH:MM instead of minutes in XRCrossTab

created 3 days ago (modified 2 days ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T1279152: XtraReport - Display overview of all found nested groups AFTER displaying the details for these nested groups]

Just note: I create the report definitions by C# code on my own but in case of troubles I can export it to WYSIWYG editor, find the solution and then to project found solution to my code.

My current result is this summary table:

Issue 3) The values in NORM and WORKED columns are numbers and have meaning "number of minutes". I want them to be formatted like 39:20 (hours and minutes - but it is a duration, not 24h time). How to set format for these columns? Or should I use some custom function?

The desired result is something like this:

Thank you very much. I know I have a lot of questions. :-)

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 days ago

Hello Miroslav,

There is no built-in expression function to format an integer value as a time span. I confirm that you need to write a custom function for this purpose.

For instance, the following function works correctly on my side:

[VSDesignerCustomFunction] public class MinutesToDuration : ReportCustomFunctionOperatorBase { public override string FunctionCategory => "Date & Time"; public override int MinOperandCount => 1; public override int MaxOperandCount => 1; public override object Evaluate(params object[] operands) { var totalMinutes = double.Parse(operands[0].ToString()); var hours = (int)(totalMinutes / 60); var minutes = (int)Math.Abs(totalMinutes % 60); return $"{hours:N0}:{minutes:D2}"; } public override bool IsValidOperandType(int operandIndex, int operandCount, Type type) { if (operandIndex >= operandCount) return false; return type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(int); } public override string Name => "MinutesToDuration"; }

To register it in your Blazor application, call the CustomFunctions.Register method at application startup before var app = builder.Build();.

Once you create and register this custom function, use it similarly to how I demonstrated in the videos I attached to your other tickets.

Please try this solution and let me know if it helps.


    Comments (1)

      Thank you.
      I've written a similar custom function already but (for me) the missing piece of information was that I can reference the cross-tab summary values in expression bindings for individual cells, as we mentioned in Users marked an answer(s) in this ticket as helpful How to calculate a difference between two columns in XRCrossTab .

      This ticket can be closed.

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