Ticket T1279733
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DevExtreme jQuery dxTreeMap - How to Set the Maximum Width of the Tile Tooltip Box in DevExtreme jQuery dxTreeMap

created 2 days ago


We are using the DevExtreme Treemap in our application and have implemented a custom tooltip for the tiles using the following code.

tooltip: { enabled: true, customizeTooltip: function (arg) { data = arg.node.data, result = null; result = "<span class='city'>" + data.tooltip + "</span>"; return { text: result }; } }

We would like to set a maximum width for the tooltip. How can we achieve this?
Could you please provide a sample implementation?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 days ago


You can use the TreeMap.tooltip.onContentTemplate to render a div element that has a custom ID. Then, use the ID to add the following CSS style:

#customId { min-width: 50px; max-width: 250px; word-wrap: "break-word"; white-space: "normal"; }

Here is a code sample that implements this: Codepen.

Let me know if this helps.


    Comments (1)
    MC MC
    Mitovia Camp a day ago


      Thank you for your response.

      We are using the below code and css to set the custom tooltip and also our custom tooltip contains the html tags and we want to render them in the tooltip.

      contentTemplate(arg) { data = arg.node.data; return $("<div id='customHeatmapToolTipId'>").html("<span>"+data.tooltip+"</span>"); }
      #customHeatmapToolTipId { min-width: 50px; max-width: 250px; width: 50px; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: normal; }

      After trying the above code, custom tooltip is working but it is not considering the min-width and max-width which are set in CSS. Why?

      It is showing same width of tooltip whether content is small or large.

      Can you please provide your answer for this with reference link?


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