Ticket T1279680
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Dashboard for WinForms - Trend Indicators hidden measures for constant line

created 5 days ago

Hi I am trying to create a chart dashboard item and have a constant line so I know what the norm is and if I am above or below that. I was hoping to try to use trend indicators to do this and it seems like it does not show the constant value I created and put in as a hidden measurement in the value dropdown. Is there a reason it doesn't show at all?

Also I tried a different approach of making it a line in my actual chart, but I am doing a multiple master filter and it is set to argument for the target dimensions so is there any way I can keep this and not have the point markers show for my constant line?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 4 days ago (modified 3 days ago)


Wile there is no appropriate method to use a hidden measure in the Trend indicator, you can use a separate line series to emulate the required constant line. Please make sure that the "Show point markers" option is disabled:


Attached is a standalone sample project that illustrates the described solution in action.

I hope you find this information helpful.


If Master Filtering is enabled, you can turn off LineSeriesView.MarkerVisibility to hide point markers in the line series. Please use the approach from the following help topic to access the underlying ChartControl component: Access to Underlying Controls in the WinForms Dashboard Designer. For example:

private void DashboardDesigner1_DashboardItemControlUpdated(object sender, DashboardItemControlEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < e.ChartControl?.Series.Count; i++) { if (e.ChartControl.Series[i].View is LineSeriesView line) { line.MarkerVisibility = DefaultBoolean.False; } } }

Refer to the attached modified sample.


    Comments (2)

      I am doing that in my screenshot example that I sent. However, like I mentioned I have multiple master filter turned on so I can't turn off the point markers so I was trying to look for another solution. Is there any way to still achieve this?

      Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 3 days ago


        I apologize for overlooking this detail. I updated my original response to demonstrate how to suppress point markers in auxiliary series when the Master Filtering feature is active.

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