In our application we are trying to resolve this:
We have a Pivot Grid and their content is displayed in a ChartControl:
We have 2 row Fields:
- Month
- Year
One Column: "Justified"
And the total count.
We are using the "Bar Stacked" display mode, but we want to use the "Side by Side Stacked Bar" and achieve something like this:
This is just an example image
However, we are not achieving this outcome…
I created a Simple sample Application Trying to achieve that (I attach the Application inside this comment)
C#public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void LoadPivotChart()
DataTable dt = GenerateData();
pivotGridControl1.DataSource = dt;
PivotGridField fieldMonth = new PivotGridField("Month", PivotArea.RowArea) { Caption = "Month" };
PivotGridField fieldYear = new PivotGridField("Year", PivotArea.RowArea) { Caption = "Year" };
PivotGridField fieldJustified = new PivotGridField("Justified", PivotArea.ColumnArea) { Caption = "Justified" };
PivotGridField fieldCount = new PivotGridField("Justified", PivotArea.DataArea) { SummaryType = PivotSummaryType.Count, Caption = "Count" };
pivotGridControl1.Fields.AddRange(new PivotGridField[] { fieldYear, fieldMonth, fieldJustified, fieldCount });
pivotGridControl1.Cells.Selection = new Rectangle(0, 0, pivotGridControl1.Cells.ColumnCount, pivotGridControl1.Cells.RowCount);
chartControl1.SeriesDataMember = "Series";
chartControl1.SeriesTemplate.ArgumentDataMember = "Arguments";
chartControl1.SeriesTemplate.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Values" });
chartControl1.DataSource = pivotGridControl1;
private DataTable GenerateData()
DataTable dt = new DataTable("Results");
dt.Columns.Add("Year", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Month", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Justified", typeof(string));
AddData(dt, "2024", "1. January", 12, 24);
AddData(dt, "2025", "1. January", 5, 19);
AddData(dt, "2024", "2. February", 8, 14);
AddData(dt, "2025", "2. February", 20, 3);
AddData(dt, "2024", "3. March", 7, 22);
AddData(dt, "2025", "3. March", 11, 16);
AddData(dt, "2024", "4. April", 9, 5);
AddData(dt, "2025", "4. April", 21, 17);
AddData(dt, "2024", "5. May", 14, 6);
AddData(dt, "2025", "5. May", 18, 12);
AddData(dt, "2024", "6. June", 3, 25);
AddData(dt, "2025", "6. June", 7, 9);
return dt;
private void AddData(DataTable dt, string year, string month, int justifiedRows, int notJustifiedRows)
for (int i = 0; i < justifiedRows; i++)
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { year, month, "Justified" });
for (int i = 0; i < notJustifiedRows; i++)
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { year, month, "Not justified" });
The Goal is similar to the image of this:
Side-by-Side Stacked Bar | WPF Controls | DevExpress Documentation
The Country is The "Month" and the 2 side by side are the "years" (in the prev image, male / female)
So I saw that Exists the Property: StackedGroup however this StackedGroup property should be seted to the Series of the the Chart.
However, the Serie is Autogenerated due the Data is from the Pivot.
How I can achieve to be the years side by side together?
Thank you very much for the help. Feel free of modifying the code that I provided to show it like an example, thanks!