Ticket T1279661
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style readOnly DxTextBox not to be highlighted when focused

created 2 days ago


I am using a <dx-text-box labelmode="static" stylingmode="outlined" readOnly="true"> based on your material.blue.dark theme. When focused it looks like this, surrounded by a shining blue frame:
As it is readOnly, I don't want it to be highlighted much when a user clicks into it. I was looking for text editor styles in .dx-state-focused, but couldn't find the right place to adopt this. It seems it is not a box-shadow in labelmode static …

Can you help / point me in the right direction?
Thanks beforehand!

Comments (2)

    Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it out. It would solve the issue above, but creates another. TextBoxes like the one above are active controls in our application, in the sense that they show states and measured values. Therefore they should be easy to read, but they aren't as the display is very faint. So I tried to adjust the css colours for the .dx-state-disabled but also here I am running into problems, because there seems to be some opacity / transparency filter on top that I can't get hold of. Maybe you can point me here to the right CSS setting? Other than that, I think you are right that the disabled state is closer to the intended behavior of those TextBoxes.

    C C
    Charles Vincent Cordial (DevExpress Support) 17 hours ago


      Thank you for the update.

      So I tried to adjust the css colours for the .dx-state-disabled but also here I am running into problems, because there seems to be some opacity / transparency filter on top that I can't get hold of

      Could you please share a screenshot to illustrate this? Also, please add another screenshot showing the expected output.


      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 2 days ago


      You can use the TextBox.disabled property instead of the readOnly to avoid the mentioned/undesired behavior.

      Let me know if this helps.

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