Ticket T1279651
Visible to All Users

Custom skin is not loaded after Upgrade to .NET9

created 3 days ago

Hi team,

are there any known issues about custom skin registration under .NET9? I've updated form .NET8 to .NET9 and the app isn't loading my custom skin anymore. I've already recompiled the custom skin. Nothing else has changed.

Visual Basic
'Custom Skin DevExpress.UserSkins.BonusSkins.Register() Dim asm As Reflection.Assembly = GetType(DevExpress.UserSkins.nerdzSkin).Assembly DevExpress.Skins.SkinManager.Default.RegisterAssembly(asm)


Comments (1)
Thorsten Dreiner 3 days ago

    It seems that I have to recompile it AND set it with

    Visual Basic
    UserLookAndFeel.Default.SkinName = "nerdz Skin 2024"

    This line I have commented out for testing and forget to reactivate it.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 2 days ago


    Because of .NET 9, we no longer support custom skins with embedded binary resources. As a result, our custom skin assembly format has been modified. Information previously serialized into resource files utilizing BinaryFormatter is now serialized in a secure manner, eliminating the need for BinaryFormatter. These changes affect custom skins created with the DevExpress Skin Editor and custom skins in assemblies are no longer loaded. To update your project, please refer to the following Breaking Change ticket: Custom skin assembly format has been modified.

    I hope this helps.

      Comments (2)
      TD TD
      Thorsten Dreiner 2 days ago

        So, I did instinctively the right and just recompiled it. Thx.

        Jesper Tiongson (DevExpress Support) a day ago

          I am happy to hear that the issue is resolved.

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