Ticket T1279268
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TcxBarEditItem with TdxOfficeSearchBoxProperties no longer shows a modified NullString if TdxBarManager's AlwaysSaveText property is True

created a day ago

I attached a sample project.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 17 hours ago


Thank you for the project.

Do you mean that once you enter and erase a string, the editor no longer shows NullString? If so, this behavior is related to basic mechanisms: editor text becomes an empty string. Refer to the following discussion regarding this issue: Problem with NullString on ButtonEdit added on tdxBar. As a possible workaround, you can handle the OnChange event (it is public but not published) and assign null explicitly.

procedure TForm1.DoChange(Sender: TObject); begin if not (Sender is TdxOfficeSearchBox) then Exit; if TdxOfficeSearchBox(Sender).EditingText = '' then TdxOfficeSearchBox(Sender).EditValue := null; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TdxOfficeSearchBoxProperties(cxBarEditItem1.Properties).OnChange := DoChange; end;
    Comments (1)

      No. Just click search box with mouse and then leave it. don't push any key. you will see the exact problem.

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