Ticket T1279240
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Displaying Top N Records in DevExtreme dxPivotGrid

created a day ago

Hello DevExpress Team,

I would appreciate your guidance on how to display only the Top N records based on the row area fields in DevExtreme dxPivotGrid. If there is a recommended approach or built-in functionality for this, I would be grateful for your advice.

For additional context, please refer to my previous discussion DevExtreme PivotGrid with large datasets
Thank you for your time and support.

Best regards,

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 14 hours ago (modified 14 hours ago)


While PivotGrid doesn't have the built-in TOP N feature, there are custom solutions we can share. The solution primarily depends on your data binding logic. Therefore, I reviewed the initial ticket first. Based on my understanding, you chose to aggregate data on the server.

In this usage scenario, it's necessary to create a custom filter expression to filter out data. To do this, make a query to get unique values for required fields (e.g., in LINQ). Then, create a string filter expression that will only include the first N fields (e.g., [["Field1", "=", "A"], "or", ["Field1", "=", "B"], "or", ["Field1", "=", "C"]]). If you implement this logic in C# before you render a view, you can pass the resulting filter to PivotGrid's DataSource|Filter.

Please keep in mind that the exact implementation will depend on your backend and data fetching specifics. Solutions can vary in complexity depending on queries you aim to support. We can only share general recommendations for implementing custom query logic for a backend application.


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