Ticket T1279179
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How to make the resizable borders of DockPanels more visible ?

created a day ago

Hello, I have attached a 'hand maid' snapshot to illustrate what I need.

I have several DockPanel in a DockManager. Assuming they are all docked, is there any way to have a visible splitter between them ? I mean that contiguous DockPanels are resizable by design, but the frontier between them is not very visible. People have to suspect that the panels are resizable, and move the mouse until the cursor appearance changes, indicating the border is just below the mouse.

What I expect is, if possible :

  • either add some extra splitters between the contiguous panels ;
  • or other behavior to show ostensibly to the end-user that the panels are resizable.

One precision : we use "The Bezier" skin in our application.

Thank you


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 13 hours ago

Hi Christophe,

There is no built-in option or straightforward solution to add visible splitter glyphs between dock panels. That being said, we haven't received reports indicating that the lack of splitter glyphs causes accessibility or UI/UX issues for end users, especially since the same design is utilized in Visual Studio, a much more popular software.

The closest customization option I can recommend is the DockManager.DockingOptions.CustomResizeZoneThickness property. It allows you to increase the padding between adjacent dock panels, and by extension, the area where the user sees the resizing cursor. A larger padding may also hint at the possibility to interact with itself.

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