Ticket T1279168
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drawing issues of drawing the form (left and bottom)

created a day ago


Attached a demo project where shows you the problem.

the left and bottom border are cuted, depense whitch properties are set or not.

Affected properties.
BorderStyle: (bsSingle / bsSizeable)
BoderIcons.biMaximaze: (true / false)

follow some printscreens of the buttom border



also the left border are cutted, but just some pixels

In my original projects, the problem are only affected to the 64bit program. In the demo it makes no different.

When i don't load the skin the form will be draw without any issues.

Hope you can help me. Thanks

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 14 hours ago

Hello Gregor,

Thank you for the project.

From what I gather, you mean that the maximized form is behind the taskbar:


Our skinning routines override low-level APIs to achieve the required form appearance, so the behavior of a skinned and a regular form may differ.

Since your form does need a complex border, you can handle the OnSkinForm event to disable skinning for this specific form. Then, manually customize it as required.

procedure TForm11.dxSkinController1SkinForm(Sender: TObject; AForm: TCustomForm; var ASkinName: string; var UseSkin: Boolean); begin if AForm is TForm11 then begin UseSkin := False; Self.Color := clGreen;//apply a color that matches your application's theme end; end;
    Comments (1)

      Hello Alex

      But I want to use the skin. But when you set the property

      Self.BorderStyle := bsSingle;

      Or set the property

      Self.BoderIcons.biMaximaze := False;

      the form are cutted at the left and buttom border

      I don't understand why I should use OnSkinForm, since I want to use the skin and not disable it. But maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

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