Ticket T1279121
Visible to All Users

Bar Chart Min-Max

created 2 days ago

I am using the RangeBar series in a DevExtreme Chart, and I am trying to set a custom VisualRange for the value axis. However, the chart always adjusts the range based on the first and last data points in the dataSource, instead of using the values I set for VisualRange.
Here is what I have tried:

  • Setting valueAxis.visualRange explicitly to my desired range.
  • Using chartRef.instance.option('valueAxis.visualRange', { startValue, endValue }).
  • Calling chartRef.instance.render() after setting the VisualRange.

Despite these attempts, the chart still displays the range based on the data, rather than my specified VisualRange values.
Is this the expected behavior? If not, how can I ensure that the chart respects the manually set VisualRange on the value axis?
Thank you for your support.

Comments (1)
Diana (DevExpress Support) 2 days ago


    Thank you for the screenshot.

    I set the valueAxis|visualRange option to [0, 100] to test the following demo: RangeBar. As far as I can see, it works correctly. Please modify this example or share a sample project where this issue occurs. This way, we will be in a better position to assist you.


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