Ticket T1278533
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Binding Error raised when deleting Item from SeriesItemSource DataSource

created 11 days ago

After I clicked the button, there was a binding failure.
How can I avoid this situation from happening.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 days ago


After reviewing the code, I found that when an item is removed from the item source, its template temporarily inherits the data context of its parent in the hierarchy (e.g., MainViewModel). Since this new context lacks the properties of the original data context, a binding error occurs.

Although the UI element is eventually removed, the item template remains in the visual tree briefly before being garbage collected. This triggers the binding error due to the missing properties. However, this error can be safely ignored because I confirmed that the UI components are properly removed afterward.

As a workaround, you can define empty properties in MainViewModel to ensure bindings resolve without errors. Although this won't provide meaningful values, it will prevent binding errors in the application.

Alternatively, you can utilize priority binding that allows a property to be bound to multiple data sources. Select the first one that provides a valid (non-null, non-default) value. For more details, refer to this help topic: How to: Implement PriorityBinding.

Please let me know if this helps.


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