This example illustrates how to use the Worksheet.Import method to import data to worksheet cells from different data sources (arrays, lists and data tables), and how to format a range of cells as a table.
Worksheet extensions are defined by the WorksheetExtensions class. To enable them, add a reference to the DevExpress.Docs.vX.Y.dll library. Note that distribution of this assembly requires a license to the Office File API or the DevExpress Universal Subscription.
Files to Review
- Form1.cs (VB: Form1.vb)
- TestDataValueConverter.cs (VB: TestDataValueConverter.vb)
- TestObject.cs (VB: TestObject.vb)
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Example Code
C#using DevExpress.Spreadsheet;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
namespace DataImportExample
public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
#region #ImageBytes
byte[] imageBytes1 = File.ReadAllBytes("images//img.png");
byte[] imageBytes2 = File.ReadAllBytes("images//x-docserver.png");
#endregion #ImageBytes
// ...
public Form1()
private void btnImportDataTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
private void btnImportArray_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
worksheet.Cells["A1"].ColumnWidthInCharacters = 35;
worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Import an array horizontally:";
worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value = "Import a two-dimensional array:";
private void btnImportList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
worksheet.Cells["A1"].ColumnWidthInCharacters = 35;
worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Import data from List vertically:";
private void btnArrayList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
#region #ImportDataTable
void ImportDataTable()
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
// Create a "Products" DataTable object with four columns.
DataTable sourceTable = new DataTable("Products");
sourceTable.Columns.Add("Product", typeof(string));
sourceTable.Columns.Add("Price", typeof(float));
sourceTable.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(Int32));
sourceTable.Columns.Add("Discount", typeof(float));
sourceTable.Columns.Add("Image", typeof(byte[]));
sourceTable.Rows.Add("Chocolade", 5, 15, 0.03, imageBytes1);
sourceTable.Rows.Add("Konbu", 9, 55, 0.1, imageBytes1);
sourceTable.Rows.Add("Geitost", 15, 70, 0.07, imageBytes2);
// Import data from the data table into the worksheet and insert it, starting with the B2 cell.
worksheet.Import(sourceTable, true, 1, 1);
#endregion #ImportDataTable
#region #CreateTable
void CreateTable() {
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
// Insert a table in the worksheet.
Table table = worksheet.Tables.Add(worksheet["B2:G5"], true);
// Format the table by applying a built-in table style.
table.Style = spreadsheetControl1.Document.TableStyles[BuiltInTableStyleId.TableStyleMedium27];
// Access table columns.
TableColumn productColumn = table.Columns[0];
TableColumn priceColumn = table.Columns[1];
TableColumn quantityColumn = table.Columns[2];
TableColumn discountColumn = table.Columns[3];
TableColumn imageColumn = table.Columns[4];
TableColumn amountColumn = table.Columns[5];
// Set the name of the last column.
amountColumn.Name = "Amount";
// Set the formula to calculate the amount per product
// and display results in the "Amount" column.
amountColumn.Formula = "=[Price]*[Quantity]*(1-[Discount])";
// Display the total row in the table.
table.ShowTotals = true;
// Set the label and function to display the sum of the "Amount" column.
discountColumn.TotalRowLabel = "Total:";
amountColumn.TotalRowFunction = TotalRowFunction.Sum;
// Specify the number format for each column.
priceColumn.DataRange.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
discountColumn.DataRange.NumberFormat = "0.0%";
amountColumn.Range.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;$#,##0.00;\"\";@";
// Specify horizontal alignment for header and total rows of the table.
table.HeaderRowRange.Alignment.Horizontal = SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment.Center;
table.TotalRowRange.Alignment.Horizontal = SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment.Center;
// Specify horizontal alignment to display data in all columns except the first one.
for (int i = 1; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
table.Columns[i].DataRange.Alignment.Horizontal = SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment.Center;
// Set the width of table columns.
table.Range.ColumnWidthInCharacters = 10;
#endregion #CreateTable
void ImportArrays() {
#region #ImportArrays
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
// Create an array containing string values.
string[] array = new string[] { "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD" };
// Import the array into the worksheet and insert it horizontally, starting with the B1 cell.
worksheet.Import(array, 0, 1, false);
// Create a two-dimensional array containing string values.
String[,] names = new String[2, 4]{
{"Ann", "Edward", "Angela", "Alex"},
{"Rachel", "Bruce", "Barbara", "George"}
// Import the two-dimensional array into the worksheet and insert it, starting with the B3 cell.
worksheet.Import(names, 2, 1);
#endregion #ImportArrays
void ImportList() {
#region #ImportList
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
// Create a List object containing string values.
List<string> cities = new List<string>
"New York",
// Import the list into the worksheet and insert it vertically, starting with the B1 cell.
worksheet.Import(cities, 0, 1, true);
List<byte[]> imageList = new List<byte[]>();
// Import the image list into the worksheet and insert it vertically
worksheet.Import(imageList, 0, 2, true, new DataImportOptions());
#endregion #ImportList
void ImportArrayList()
#region #ImportArrayList
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
System.Collections.ArrayList listDataSource = new System.Collections.ArrayList()
new TestObject(1, "Jane", true, imageBytes1),
new TestObject(2, "Joe", false, imageBytes2),
new TestObject(3, "Bill", true, imageBytes1),
new TestObject(4, "Michael", false, imageBytes2),
worksheet.Import(listDataSource, 0, 0);
#endregion #ImportArrayList
private void btnImportObject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region #ImportObject
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
worksheet.Import(new TestObject(1, "1", true, imageBytes1), 0, 0);
#endregion #ImportObject
private void btnUseOptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region #ImportUsingOptions
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
string[] arrayR1C1 = new string[] { "a", "b", "=R1C1&R1C2" };
worksheet.Import(arrayR1C1, 0, 0, false, new DataImportOptions() { ImportFormulas = true, ReferenceStyle = ReferenceStyle.R1C1 });
string[] arrayLocalized = new string[] { "a", "=1,2+1" };
worksheet.Import(arrayLocalized, 1, 0, false,
new DataImportOptions()
ImportFormulas = true,
FormulaCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE")
#endregion #ImportUsingOptions
private void btnUseFields_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region #ImportSpecifiedFields
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
List<TestObject> list = new List<TestObject> {
new TestObject(1, "1", true, imageBytes1),
new TestObject(2, "2", false, imageBytes2)
worksheet.Import(list, 0, 0, new DataSourceImportOptions() { PropertyNames = new string[] { "BoolValue", "ImageValue" } });
#endregion #ImportSpecifiedFields
private void btnUseConverter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region #ImportUsingConverter
Worksheet worksheet = spreadsheetControl1.Document.Worksheets[0];
string imageBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes1);
List<TestObject> list = new List<TestObject> {
new TestObject(1, "1", true, imageBase64),
new TestObject(2, "2", false, imageBase64)
worksheet.Import(list, 0, 0, new DataSourceImportOptions()
Converter = new TestDataValueConverter(),
PropertyNames = new string[] { "IntValue", "Value", "BoolValue", "ImageBase64" }
worksheet.Import(list, 0, 0, new DataSourceImportOptions() { Converter = new TestDataValueConverter() });
#endregion #ImportUsingConverter
C#using DevExpress.Drawing;
using System;
namespace DataImportExample
#region #converter
class TestDataValueConverter : DevExpress.Spreadsheet.IDataValueConverter
public bool TryConvert(object value, int columnIndex, out DevExpress.Spreadsheet.CellValue result)
switch (value)
case string strValue:
result = DXImage.FromBase64String(strValue);
int str2int = 0;
if (Int32.TryParse(strValue, out str2int))
result = str2int;
result = strValue;
return true;
case int intValue:
result = intValue;
return true;
case bool boolValue:
result = boolValue;
return true;
result = value == null ? null : value.ToString();
return true;
#endregion #converter
C#using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace DataImportExample
#region #testobject
class TestObject
public TestObject(int intValue, string value, bool boolValue, byte[] imageValue)
this.intValue = intValue;
this.Value = value;
this.BoolValue = boolValue;
this.ImageValue = imageValue;
public TestObject(int intValue, string value, bool boolValue, string imageBase64)
this.intValue = intValue;
this.Value = value;
this.BoolValue = boolValue;
this.ImageBase64 = imageBase64;
public int intValue;
private int privateValue { get { return 123; } }
public int IntValue { get { return intValue + privateValue - 123; } }
public string Value { get; set; }
public bool BoolValue { get; set; }
public byte[] ImageValue { get; set; }
public int this[int index] { get { return index; } }
public string ImageBase64 { get; set; }
#endregion #testObject