Example T1261312
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DevExtreme Diagram - Getting Started

This repository stores code for the following DevExpress tutorial: Getting Started with DevExtreme Diagram. The project creates a UI component that supplies a visual interface to help you design new and modify existing diagrams.


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Example Code

$(function () { $("#diagram").dxDiagram({ nodes: { dataSource: new DevExpress.data.ArrayStore({ key: 'ID', data: projectTasks, }), keyExpr: "ID", parentKeyExpr: "Parent_ID", textExpr: "Task_Name", }, simpleView: true, pageColor: "#f0f0f0", defaultItemProperties: { textStyle: "font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;" }, propertiesPanel: { tabs: [ { groups: [{ title: 'Object Properties', commands: ['lineStyle', 'lineColor', 'fillColor'] }], }, ], }, toolbox: { showSearch: false, groups: [{ category: 'general', shapes: ['text', 'rectangle'], }] }, }); });
<dx-diagram [simpleView]="true" pageColor="#f0f0f0"> <dxo-nodes [dataSource]="dataSource" keyExpr="ID" parentKeyExpr="Parent_ID" textExpr="Task_Name"> </dxo-nodes> <dxo-default-item-properties textStyle="font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;"> </dxo-default-item-properties> <dxo-properties-panel> <dxi-tab> <dxi-group title="Object Properties" [commands]="objectCommands"></dxi-group> </dxi-tab> </dxo-properties-panel> <dxo-toolbox [showSearch]="false"> <dxi-group category="general" [shapes]="['text', 'rectangle']"></dxi-group> </dxo-toolbox> </dx-diagram>
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { AppService, Task } from './app.service'; import ArrayStore from 'devextreme/data/array_store'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'], providers: [AppService], }) export class AppComponent { projectTasks: Task[]; dataSource: ArrayStore; constructor(service: AppService) { this.projectTasks = service.getTasks(); this.dataSource = new ArrayStore({ key: 'ID', data: service.getTasks(), }); } }
<template> <DxDiagram :simple-view="true" page-color="#f0f0f0"> <DxNodes :data-source="dataSource" :key-expr="'ID'" :text-expr="'Task_Name'" :parent-key-expr="'Parent_ID'" /> <DxDefaultItemProperties text-style="font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;" /> <DxPropertiesPanel> <DxTab> <DxGroup title="Object Properties" :commands="objectCommands" /> </DxTab> </DxPropertiesPanel> <DxToolbox :show-search="false"> <DxGroup :category="'general'" :shapes="toolboxShapes" /> </DxToolbox> </DxDiagram> </template> <script setup> import 'devexpress-diagram/dist/dx-diagram.min.css'; import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.material.blue.light.compact.css'; import DxDiagram, { DxNodes, DxDefaultItemProperties, DxToolbox, DxPropertiesPanel, DxTab, DxGroup } from 'devextreme-vue/diagram'; import ArrayStore from 'devextreme/data/array_store'; import service from './data.js'; const dataSource = new ArrayStore({ key: 'ID', data: service.getTasks(), }); const objectCommands = ['lineStyle', 'lineColor', 'fillColor']; const toolboxShapes = ['text', 'rectangle']; </script>
import React from "react"; import 'devexpress-diagram/dist/dx-diagram.min.css'; import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.material.blue.light.compact.css'; import ArrayStore from "devextreme/data/array_store"; import Diagram, { Nodes, DefaultItemProperties, Toolbox, PropertiesPanel, Tab, Group } from 'devextreme-react/diagram'; import service from './data.js'; const dataSource = new ArrayStore({ key: 'ID', data: service.getTasks(), }); const objectCommands = ['lineStyle', 'lineColor', 'fillColor']; const toolboxShapes = ['text', 'rectangle']; function App() { return ( <Diagram simpleView={true} pageColor="#f0f0f0" > <Nodes dataSource={dataSource} keyExpr="ID" textExpr="Task_Name" parentKeyExpr="Parent_ID" /> <DefaultItemProperties textStyle="font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;" /> <PropertiesPanel> <Tab> <Group title="Object Properties" commands={objectCommands} /> </Tab> </PropertiesPanel> <Toolbox showSearch={false} > <Group category="general" shapes={toolboxShapes} /> </Toolbox> </Diagram> ); }; export default App;

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