Breaking Change T1256170
Visible to All Users

EnableColumnChooser and CustomizationEnabled options are replaced by a common cross-plarform option CustomizationFormEnabled

What Changed

Before v24.2, XAF natively supported hiding Column Chooser only in ASP.NET Web and ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.
We moved these properties to the platform-agnostic IModelOptions and IModelListView interfaces and now support them for XAF Windows Forms applications.

We consolidated the previous layout CustomizationEnabled and listview's EnableColumnChooser under one common option: CustomizationFormEnabled.

Previous versions v24.2 and later
IModelOptionsWeb.ListViewEnableColumnChooser IModelOptions.CustomizationFormEnabled
IModelOptionsBlazor.ListViewEnableColumnChooser IModelOptions.CustomizationFormEnabled
IModelListViewBlazor.EnableColumnChooser IModelView.CustomizationFormEnabled
IModelLayoutManagerOptions.CustomizationEnabled IModelView.CustomizationFormEnabled and IModelOptions.CustomizationFormEnabled

Reasons for Change

This change allows developers to configure Customization Forms visibility simultaneously for all supported platforms.

Impact on Existing Apps

The IModelOptionsWeb.ListViewEnableColumnChooser property is no longer available in the Model Editor invoked for an ASP.NET Web project.
The IModelOptionsBlazor.ListViewEnableColumnChooser and IModelListViewBlazor.EnableColumnChooser properties are no longer available in the Model Editor invoked for an ASP.NET Core Blazor project.

XAF automatically migrates the values of these properties customized in previous versions to new platform-agnostic properties with the help of the Convert Application Model Differences mechanism. The majority of XAF developers should not be affected.

This change affects in-code access to these model options. Previously, you had to cast IModelOptions or IModelListView to a platform-specific variant. This is no longer required.

How to Update Existing Apps

Use the IModelOptions.CustomizationFormEnabled and IModelListView.CustomizationFormEnabled properties both in the Model Editor and code.

See Also

List View Columns Customization | XAF: Cross-Platform .NET App UI & Web API | DevExpress Documentation
Detail View Layout Customization | XAF: Cross-Platform .NET App UI & Web API | DevExpress Documentation

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