Is it possible to get the AI Extensions for Blazor RichEdit control working in an XAF Blazor application ?
I cannot find any XAF examples or documentation for the new AI integration… are there plans to add these?
I looked at the Blazor example project to see how to add the new AI options,
but in the sample project this is done by adding Additional Settings in the .razor file
<DxRichEdit DocumentContent="DocumentContent" CssClass="my-editor">
<SummaryAISettings />
<ExplainAISettings />
<ProofreadAISettings />
<ExpandAISettings />
<ShortenAISettings />
<CustomAISettings />
<RewriteAISettings />
<ToneAISettings />
<TranslateAISettings Languages="@("German, French, Chinese")" />
How do I add these "AdditionalSettings" programatically from my XAF blazor app ? or is this even possible ?
many thanks in advance