Breaking Change T1200101
Visible to All Users

DevExpress Coded UI test extension is disabled by default

What Changed

The DevExpress Coded UI Test extension is disabled by default.

Reasons for Change

The communication pathway employed by the DevExpress Coded UI Test extension introduces a potential security vulnerability. This can pose security-related risks (unauthorized actions and system use) because a threat actor can manipulate behavior and execute actions outside of application context.

Impact on Existing Apps

Coded UI tests that utilize the DevExpress Coded UI Test extension will not pass.

How to Revert to the Previous Behavior

Set the WindowsFormsSettings.EnableCodedUITestExtension property to DefaultBoolean.True at application startup (for apps being tested). Please note: we do not recommend enabling this functionality by default. Review all security-related matters and mitigate associated risks before enabling the DevExpress Coded UI Test extension to enhance overall security and maintain application integrity.

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