Hi Guys,
thx for the Blazor Scheduler Module - looks really amazing! Should we already provide feedback on this? I did a quick test - and performance did not look well as it does select all objects from database:
exec sp_executesql N'select …
where (N0."GCRecord" is null and (((N0."StartOn" >= @p0) and (N0."StartOn" <= @p1)) or ((N0."EndOn" >= @p0) and (N0."EndOn" <= @p1)) or ((N0."StartOn" <= @p0) and (N0."EndOn" >= @p1)) or ((N0."Type" = @p2) and (N0."StartOn" <= @p1)) or (N0."Type" = @p3)))',N'@p0 datetime,@p1 datetime,@p2 int,@p3 int',@p0='1753-01-01 00:00:00',@p1='9999-12-31 23:59:59.997',@p2=1,@p3=3
Hello, Noxe.
Of course, that is what our EAP/BETA is for.
Yes, we are aware of this behavior. This will be the case until the DxScheduler component supports filtering appointments by the visible interval or other means to limit this load. We forwarded your feedback to the Blazor Component team.
Our Scheduler Module has a CTP status in v23.1, and we hope that this and other scenarios (shared resources, notifications/reminders, etc.) will be supported better in v23.2. Thanks.
Ok thx - i thought this was already available - as i had the same question here: Scheduler for Blazor - OnDateChange event | DevExpress Support
We are aware of this event, but according to our tests, it was insufficient: https://github.com/DevExpress-Examples/devexpress-blazor-scheduler-load-appointments-range. Ideally, we would want to have a closed range like it was in the WinForms/WebForms counterparts (using the FetchAppointments event or something like this).
If you tried to use the StartDateChanged event along with ActiveViewTypeChanged and it worked reasonably well with your data set, we would reconsider our current decision. Thanks.
thx man - we never fully tested it as we know there will be an xaf module out of the box ;) - so probably we try patch the criteria ourself in the mean time!
We are looking forward to hearing from you. See also our scheduler-related questions in our FB group.
sure - will give an answer there shortly :)