Ticket T1145216
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Grid Control - Is there a build in pagination functionality

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T902854: Grid Control - How to implement the pagination functionality]

Is there an option for simply "local data paging" - this must be the simplest but I can't see it mentioned
I want to load all the data, so I definitely don't want to use VirtualServerModeSource or SQL feature and that also rules out all of option #2 above.

So I was looking just for is exactly what this javascript grid does - local pagination - and the performance does make a difference so I'm figuring this is worth doing in WinForms.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 years ago


There is no such option. The Grid Control - How to implement the pagination functionality help topic describes all solutions available at present. You can adapt solutions from Section 1 according to your requirements, where all data is loaded into memory.

For this, load your data and then use VirtualServerModeSource or Grid Control - How to implement the pagination functionality using SQL queries solution to display data from your local data storage rather than loading data from a remote server. So, instead of the following code:

DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters["@offset"].Value = offset; dtOrders.Clear(); DataAdapter.Fill(dtOrders);

Add the required number of records to the Grid's data source from your in-memory data storage that contains all records.

There should not be any performance issues. Even if you load data from a remote data source, you can use an Instant Feedback data source that doesn't lock the UI thread when it loads data.

I hope you will find this information helpful. Let me know should any questions arise.

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