Ticket T1137771
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How to handle Warning:BL0007 on a Component with a DxCheckBox only

created 2 years ago

After updating to net.7 we are getting Warnings for our Blazor Components.
Heres an example

Warning BL0007: Component parameter 'WebCenter.Layout.Shared.Components.InfoCheckbox.Checked' should be auto property

I know how to handle the warning when i have a method inside of the Component
you can call CheckedChanged.InvokeAsync(); inside of the method.
But in this component i have no method that is being called.

Is there a way to get around the warning? Like another way to bind to the <DxCheckBox> or something like that?

If i just convert the property Checked to an auto property the caller does not get the correct value.
any help would be great…

<div class="wrapper mb-2"> <DxCheckBox @bind-Checked="Checked" CssClass="stretch-TextBox">@Label</DxCheckBox> <button class="btn btn-secondary button-min-31 m-l-5" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="@_idd" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"> <span class="fas fa-info"> </span> </button> </div> <div class="collapse" id="@_id"> <div class="card card-body"> @ChildContent </div> </div> @code { [Parameter] public string Label { get; set; } = default!; // Raises Warning BL0007 [Parameter] public bool Checked { get => _checked; set { if (_checked == value) return; _checked = value; CheckedChanged.InvokeAsync(value); } } [Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; } = default!; [Parameter] public EventCallback<bool> CheckedChanged { get; set; } private bool _checked; protected override void OnInitialized() { _id = $"spinner{Guid.NewGuid():N}"; _idd = $"#{_id}"; } private string _id = default!; private string _idd = default!; }

example of a caller

<DxFormLayoutItem Caption="@Resources.App.DisplayFQDN" ColSpanMd="12" CssClass="m-b-5"> <Template> <InfoCheckbox @bind-Checked="settings.ValidateIPAddressOnPrintServerImport" Label="@Resources.App.DisplayFQDN"> @this.Raw(Resources.App.ValidateIPAddressOnPrintServerImportDescription) </InfoCheckbox> </Template> </DxFormLayoutItem>

We have the same problem with DxSpinEdit

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 2 years ago


The BL0007 warning was implemented because of the following GitHub issue: Consider an analyzer to warn if a [Parameter] property isn't a simple auto property. It will be displayed if a [Parameter] property isn't just a simple { get; set; } one. So, I suppose that the cause is the following code:

[Parameter] public bool Checked { get => _checked; set { if (_checked == value) return; _checked = value; CheckedChanged.InvokeAsync(value); } }

I suppose that it's necessary to organize this property in another way and bind DxCheckBox to the internal component's property rather than to the public [Parameter] property.
Our component doesn't matter in this usage scenario; you will get the same result with any other component.


    Comments (2)

      Doesn't feel right but this would work. Thank's for your suggestions.

      <div class="wrapper mb-2"> <DxCheckBox @bind-Checked="CheckBoxValue" CssClass="stretch-TextBox">@Label</DxCheckBox> </div> @code { private bool _checkBoxValue; [Parameter] public string Label { get; set; } = default!; [Parameter] public bool Checked { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<bool> CheckedChanged { get; set; } public bool CheckBoxValue { get => _checkBoxValue; set { _checkBoxValue = value; CheckedChanged.InvokeAsync(value); } } protected override void OnInitialized() { CheckBoxValue = Checked; }
      Vova (DevExpress Support) 2 years ago

        You are welcome.
        Your code seems to be OK. However, I would additionally set the _checkBoxValue property value in the OnInitialized event, since now it should invoke the CheckedChanged event on initialization.


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