Breaking Change T1127069
Visible to All Users

Default control sizes and spacings were changed in all themes

What Changed

Blazor Components (regardless of the used size mode) have been downsized. Our new Large Size Mode mirrors what used to be “Medium.” Our new Medium mode is closer to what used to be “Small.” And our new Small mode allows you to deliver interfaces similar to desktop apps such as Microsoft Outlook.

New size modes will affect all spacings/sizes across supported Blazor components. For example, our Blazor Form Layout component will adjust paddings between items/groups based on the selected size mode.

In addition, the new size modes will be applied to our Blazor Data Grid (DxGrid), Tabs, Flyout, and other UI components that did not support size modes previously.

Reasons for Change

These changes were made to make the Size Mode behavior more consistent throughout DevExpress Blazor components and to cater for "dense" interfaces that display more relevant information on screen.

How to Update Existing Apps

You can specify the global SizeMode property value in Program.cs to make DevExpress Blazor components larger or smaller across the entire app.

using DevExpress.Blazor; builder.Services.AddDevExpressBlazor(configure => configure.SizeMode = DevExpress.Blazor.SizeMode.Large);

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