Ticket T1112635
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Re: Blazor - How to show a fully custom non-XAF web form (with custom controls, JavaScript, Razor components, etc.)

created 3 years ago

I used the solution from the ticket: "Blazor - How to show a fully custom non-XAF web form (with custom controls, JavaScript, Razor components, etc.)" to create a razor-component.

I created a custom page named: custompage.razor with following content:

@page "/custom" <h3>Custompage</h3> @code { }

I can see it using the direct way with https://localhost:44318/custom

After that I created a NavigationItem with the Id "CustomPageItem"

My goal is to show the blazor-compontent after clicking on the nav-item, but don't lose the general layout like navbar, theme,…

But with following code I only see the custompage.razor content and nothing from the xaf template:

public class CustomItemPageController : WindowController { public CustomItemPageController() { TargetWindowType = WindowType.Main; } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); ShowNavigationItemController showNavigationItemController = Frame.GetController<ShowNavigationItemController>(); showNavigationItemController.CustomShowNavigationItem += showNavigationItemController_CustomShowNavigationItem; } void showNavigationItemController_CustomShowNavigationItem(object sender, CustomShowNavigationItemEventArgs e) { if (e.ActionArguments.SelectedChoiceActionItem.Id == "CustomPageItem") { var navigationManager = ((BlazorApplication)Application).ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<NavigationManager>(); navigationManager.NavigateTo("/custom", forceLoad: true); } } }

Is there a way to show the page only as part of the xaf project - I couldnt find any resource for this problem. The only thing I found was should devExtreme components in xaf.

PS: I attached a screenshot before I click the navitem and after where I lost the navbar.

Kind regards

Comments (1)

    I partly solved the problem following: https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/ticket/details/t943982 and ignoring the Grid parts.

    So I have a page showing the blazor-component, but know I have the problem, that I don't know how to remove the default controls for the dashboard (Organize Dashboard and Refresh) - I would like to have a blank view with minimal setup.
    Thx for your support

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 3 years ago


    XAF has multiple ways to hide actions: Ways to Hide or Disable an Action. I updated our ticket to describe solutions that are most suitable for this case: Blazor - How to show a fully custom non-XAF web form (with custom controls, JavaScript, Razor components, etc.).

      Comments (2)

        Thx, perfect answer. Your links are on the point

        Anatol (DevExpress) 3 years ago

          You are welcome!

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