What Changed
We redesigned the UI of an appointment’s duration selection in the Scheduler component.
Reasons for Change
In previous versions, the Scheduler’s default edit form used the DxComboBox component in the DxSchedulerStartTimeFormLayoutItem and DxSchedulerEndTimeFormLayoutItem layout items to select the start and end times of an appointment.
In v22.1, the default edit form uses the DxTimeEdit component in the DxSchedulerStartTimePickerFormLayoutItem and DxSchedulerEndTimePickerFormLayoutItem layout items for time selection.
Impact on Existing Apps
This change affects your application if it does not use a custom edit form.
How to Update Existing Apps
If you use a custom edit form and want to keep the ComboBox component, you don’t need to update your application.
If you don’t use a custom edit form and want to keep the ComboBox component, implement an edit form that uses the DxSchedulerStartTimeFormLayoutItem and DxSchedulerEndTimeFormLayoutItem layout items.
Razor<AppointmentFormLayout Context="formInfo">
If you want to use the Time Edit component in a custom edit form, implement an edit form that uses the DxSchedulerStartTimePickerFormLayoutItem and DxSchedulerEndTimePickerFormLayoutItem layout items.
Razor<AppointmentFormLayout Context="formInfo">