We have been working with Blazor templates in XAF. We have had a few clients that want actions up near the two actions in the top right corner. This has been a bit challenging to get the action container in place and have it line up with the existing actions.
Our suggestion is to add a new action container in this area as part of the default template. Either create a new action container category or select existing categories such as Tools.
Hello Dave,
Thank you for your feedback. Could you send us an image that illustrates the result you wanted to achieve eventually? If you already added the corresponding Action Container to your application, please clarify what steps were difficult to implement with markup, styles, etc.
Hi Dennis,
I'm not a web guy so it took me a bit to get this behaving the way I expected. This was the desired output:

We applied a nested toolbar in this case and it overlaps with the Account and Settings Components.

After some styling, we managed to get the desired effect.
<div class="nested-toolbar pb-3 w-100 overflow-hidden pr-2 pt-3"> @FrameTemplate.HeaderToolbar.GetComponentContent() </div>
The reason I posted this suggestion is because I can see others wanting to add actions in the same area out of the box without having to do a custom template. I suggested the Tools category originally but I can see that Tools is already in the main toolbar. Menu or Appearance may be better categories to show there.
Let me know your thoughts on this.
Hello Dave,
Thank you for the clarification. This information will help us determine the priority and expected behavior of this feature.
Although we do not have immediate plans to implement it, we will take your suggestion into consideration in future release cycles or updates of the How To: Create a Custom Blazor Application Template article.
Can you please make this ticket public for other XAFers?