What Changed
The DxTabs and DxFormLayoutTabPages components display tabs according to the ActiveTabIndex property value. If it is valid (that is, between zero and the number of tabs minus one), the corresponding tab is visible. If the ActiveTabIndex property value is invalid or corresponds to an invisible tab, no tab is selected.
From v21.2.5, the DxTabs and DxFormLayoutTabPages components also reflect tab removal and visibility changes.
Reasons for Change
Tab-based components are designed to always display content. In previous versions, when a tab is removed or hidden, its content can remain in markup:
This change restores the correct behavior. The component now selects a neighboring tab when you hide or delete an active tab:
Impact on Existing Apps
This change affects your application if you remove or hide tabs at runtime.
How to Upgrade Existing Apps
The DxTabs and DxFormLayoutTabPages components are updated automatically.
How to Revert to Previous Behavior
The previous behavior is unavailable from v21.2.5.