As seen on reproduction there seems to be some too aggressive tree shaking occurring during the build phase.
Vendor file size reduced from 2041.35 KiB to 669.87 KiB.
Production build is broken with the same error no matter what minification option chosen: 'terser', 'esbuild' or 'false'
Here is a repository where issue is reproduced:
With Vite 2.6.14
Codenpm i vite@2.6.14
npm run build
npm run serve
Codedist/assets/index.9eb36237.js 4.27 KiB / gzip: 1.83 KiB
dist/assets/index.b831ffbc.css 751.70 KiB / gzip: 101.36 KiB
dist/assets/vendor.135cef2e.js 2041.35 KiB / gzip: 563.28 KiB
Navigate to http://localhost:5000 - there is datagrid loaded, no console errors
With Vite 2.7.6
Codenpm i vite@2.7.6
npm run build
npm run serve
Codedist/assets/index.02804fb9.js 4.27 KiB / gzip: 1.83 KiB
dist/assets/index.b831ffbc.css 751.70 KiB / gzip: 101.36 KiB
dist/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js 669.87 KiB / gzip: 185.42 KiB
Observe some drastic changes in vendor lib size.
Navigate to http://localhost:5000 and there is console errors"
Codevendor.26bf90b8.js:5230 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'render')
at inheritor._initMarkup (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:32373)
at inheritor._initMarkup (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7411)
at inheritor._renderComponent (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:12555)
at inheritor._updateDOMComponent (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:12778)
at inheritor.endUpdate (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:12787)
at inheritor.endUpdate (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7411)
at inheritor.endUpdate (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:14433)
at inheritor.endUpdate (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7411)
at inheritor.endUpdate (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:32405)
at inheritor.endUpdate (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7411)
logError @ vendor.26bf90b8.js:5230
vendor.26bf90b8.js:32364 Uncaught TypeError: this.updateDimensions is not a function
at inheritor._dimensionChanged (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:32364)
at inheritor._dimensionChanged (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7411)
at Callback._fireCore (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7576)
at Callback.fireWith (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7628)
at (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:7636)
at handleResize (:5000/assets/vendor.26bf90b8.js:10697)