Ticket T1053128
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DataGrid Editing - OnValueChanged event override does not save value

created 3 years ago


i have the following code:

@(Html.DevExtreme().DataGrid<Company>() .ID("datagrid-companies") .DataSource(ds => { return ds.Mvc().Controller("Companies") .LoadAction(Globals.EntityControllerLoadAction) .UpdateAction(Globals.EntityControllerUpdateAction) .InsertAction(Globals.EntityControllerInsertAction) .DeleteAction(Globals.EntityControllerDeleteAction) .Key("Id"); }) .OnInitNewRow( @<text> function onInitNewRow(options) { options.data.ManualRequestsForCollections = true; } </text> ) .Editing(editing => { editing.Mode(GridEditMode.Popup); editing.AllowAdding(true); editing.AllowUpdating(true); editing.AllowDeleting(true); editing.UseIcons(true); editing.Popup(p => { p.Title("Compañia") .ShowTitle(true); }); editing.Form(f => { f.ShowValidationSummary(true); f.Items(items => { items.AddGroup().ColCount(2).ColSpan(2).Items(groupItems => { groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.ManualRequestsForCollections).ColSpan(2).Editor(e => e.CheckBox().OnValueChanged(@"function(args) { onManualRequestsForCollectionsValueChanged(args, setValue); }")); }); }); }); }) .Columns(columns => { columns.AddFor(m => m.ManualRequestsForCollections).CellTemplate(@<text> [% if(data.ManualRequestsForCollections == true) { %] <span class="badge badge-success"></span> [% } else { %] <span class="badge badge-danger">No</span> [% } %] </text>).Width(Globals.DataGridMediumColumnWidth); }) ) <script> function onManualRequestsForCollectionsValueChanged(args, setValueMethod) { setValueMethod(args.value); var myDialog = DevExpress.ui.dialog.custom({ showTitle: false, messageHtml: "¡Recuerde que este cambio solo afecta a los nuevos envases y que los usuarios de las PDA's deben volver a inicar sesión para que los cambios tengan efecto!", buttons: [ { text: "Aceptar", onClick: function (b) { return { buttonText: b.component.option("text") } } }] }); myDialog.show(); } </script>

It seems that if I override the OnValueChanged function of the Checkbox, and the user only edit the value of the checkbox, the update function of the controller never executes. It is as if there are no changes for the specific row that has been modified.

If the code is empty, the onManualRequestsForCollectionsValueChanged function still does not work, so the custom dialog has nothing to do with it, it is simply due to the fact of overriding the event

Currently, from what I have read in your forums I have to use the setValue function.
The problem is that I can't do it. I have the error of SetValue is undefined. Can you help me and tell me what is missing from my code?

Best Regards.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 3 years ago


Handling the OnValueChanged event of an editor overrides the built-in dataGrid editing logic. Use onEditorPreparing instead. There, you can save the default onValueChanged code and execute it after your code.

Please let me know if you need any clarification.


    Comments (2)
    XG XG
    Xavier Gutierrez 1 3 years ago



      This is the code that i used:

      .OnEditorPreparing(@"function(e) { if (e.dataField === 'ManualRequestsForCollections' && e.parentType === 'dataRow') { const defaultValueChangeHandler = e.editorOptions.onValueChanged; e.editorOptions.onValueChanged = function(args) { ShowManualRequestsForCollectionsDialog(); defaultValueChangeHandler(args); } } }") <script> function ShowManualRequestsForCollectionsDialog() { var myDialog = DevExpress.ui.dialog.custom({ showTitle: false, messageHtml: "¡Recuerde que este cambio solo afecta a los nuevos envases y que los usuarios de las PDA's deben volver a inicar sesión para que los cambios tengan efecto!", buttons: [ { text: "Aceptar", onClick: function (b) { return { buttonText: b.component.option("text") } } }] }); myDialog.show(); } </script>
      DevExpress Support Team 3 years ago

        I’m happy to help.

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