I'm currently evaluating XAF.
I'm working in the public sector and it is mandatory to fullfill accessibility requirements (e.g. screen reader must read all content, contrast etc.).
Is it possible with "XAF Blazor" to customize UI elements and add for example aria-labels at a button (changing the HTML)?
Or is there screen reader support out of the box?
Kind Regards
Hi Ricky,
First, I would like to thank you for your interest in XAF Blazor.
Right now, we don't have special support for accessibility in XAF Blazor and our Blazor components in general. However, we have plans to support it in the future.
Currently, you can customize the built-in HTML markup via ComponentModel.SetAttribute() method of the property editors and action containers to add required ARIA attributes.
Please check the following articles for how to access these elements:
Please let me know if you have further questions in this regard.
That would be a lot of customization in all the standard controls to accomplish accessibility requirements.
In the public sector Germany, it is mandatory by law to support accessibility.
Thanks anyway.
Thank you for your feedback, Ricky.
Product Manager