Ticket T102741
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How to inherit grid columns and use them in the XtraGrid

Restoring layout doesn't restore a column's inplace editor

created 11 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: this thread was cloned from A927: How to inherit grid columns and use them in the XtraGrid]
Hi, I'm using this example but, I don't Save and Restore Layout ColumnEdit in RepositoryItem.
How to Save and Restore Layout ColumnEdit in RepositoryItem?

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DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

    Posted by Ahmet CAKIR

    I have CustomGridControl, CustomGrid and CustomGridColumn .
    I'm creating gridColumns and I'm adding Reporsitroy Items to  columns at runtime.
    Finally I'm saving to the xml and Restore from the xml. but don't load added repoItem.

    How can I do it?


      Hi Jannet
      I'm really sorry
      Can you help me for this problem?

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        OK, I see what you are talking about. Please give me a little more time to investigate your project and suggest a possible solution. I will get back to you ASAP.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

        This happens because:

        1. You save the layout using the GridView.SaveLayoutToXML execution; so there is information about columns with particular names in the layout *.xml, and this is fine.
        2. Then, you re-start the application.
          Since a GridView doesn't have any columns, new columns are created.
        3. You restore the layout using the GridView.RestoreLayoutFromXML execution.
          Since there is no information about these newly created columns in *.xml file, but about old columns, the layout restored as you see.

        To resolve this issue, i.e., to make the GridView.RestoreLayoutFrom~ execution restore the previous layout, you need to predefine the required columns. That is, with the same names as previous columns - those stored in layout file. I've modified your sample accordingly.

        Please test it and let me know your results.

        See also:
        Saving and Restoring Layout Basics,
        Saving and Restoring Layout,
        How to: Save a Grid's Layout Between Application Runs

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