Breaking Change T1026454
Visible to All Users

Charts - The Width and Height properties now use the invariant culture

What Changed

The Chart component now uses InvariantCulture instead of the CurrentCulture property to parse the Width and Height property values.

Reasons for Change

In previous versions, if your development and target machines use cultures with different decimal separators, setting the Height and Width property values with a dot separator could cause incorrect Chart size calculation.
In 21.2, we introduced the following behavior:

  • If you use a dot as a separator, the Chart performs the AwayFromZero operation to convert the property value to the integer number that is treated as a value in pixels. For example, 60.4 becomes 60px.
  • If you use a comma as a separator, the Chart treats it as a digit grouping symbol and uses the obtained integer number as a value in pixels. For instance, the Chart parses 60,4 as 604px.

Impact on Existing Apps

This change impacts your application if the Width and Height property values rely on the CurrentCulture property in your application.

How to Upgrade Existing Apps

Specify the Width and Height property values in accordance with the InvariantCulture property.

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