could you please provide a documentation about the available actionContainers and the positions in XAF Blazor?
Best Regards
could you please provide a documentation about the available actionContainers and the positions in XAF Blazor?
Best Regards
Hello Alexander,
Thank you for the clarification. The information you found is correct - the main window has action containers only in the main toolbar. It is not possible to place actions or custom buttons anywhere else. The Security menu is a separate component that does not have action containers.
The main toolbar has the following categories:
C#private static readonly string[] viewActionCategories = new string[] {
Rightmost categories are Diagnostic and Unspecified. To avoid hiding your action to the overflow menu, decrease its AdaptivePriority value in the ActionDesign | Actions node using the Model Editor of your Blazor module or Blazor.Server project.
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Hello Alexander,
Thank you for contacting us. Currently, ASP.NET Core Blazor Action Containers are not documented. We are going to do it in the future. Can you elaborate on your scenarios to help us with prioritization? In what aspect of Action Containers are you interested in the first place? I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Ilya P
Hi Ilya,
the main goal is to have a dropdown action in the main header (left to the theme-settings-icon).
I've read another ticket that actual it's not possible to customize the xaf blazor template (maybe in 22.x?).
The alternative approach is to create an action and placed in in an action container but I don't know which are actual implemented whos location.
Is the theme-setting-action using an action container? I don't know :/.
If header doesn't provide a container the second approach is to place an action on position 2 on the screenshot. All other actions / search boxes / filters and so on have to be placed to the left.
Best Regards
I've enabled the security module and another idea is to use the "Security" Container / Category.
However, my custom action isn't shown here. Any ideas?