[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T936581: Blazor - How to display LookupPropertyEditor's items in a popup window with the New action]
How to implement the drop-down when the multi-column display?
How to implement a drop-down editor with multiple columns in XAF Blazor
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hello Chengwei,
To show additional columns in a lookup ListView, make them visible in the Views | ClassName_LookupListView model: List View Columns Customization.
Older versions
Versions prior to v22.2 do not have a built-in Blazor Property Editor with this capability. You can implement your own Property Editor to achieve this: How to: Implement a Property Editor Based on a Custom Component (Blazor). For example, this Property Editor can use our DxComboBox component with the Multiple Columns feature.
Hi Chengwei,
The DxComboBox.Data property accepts a collection that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface. The IQueryable<T> and IList<T> interfaces implement IEnumerable<T>. You can assign a collection that implements these interfaces.
To support paging in DxComboBox, it's necessary to use another way to bind data to it. Please refer to the following ticket that describes how to support paging: ComboBox for Blazor - How to connect control to a large database.
I am happy to inform you that Blazor lookups can now display multiple columns: What's New in v22.2 - XAF. This feature is applied to all lookups whose model has more than one visible column: List View Columns Customization. Download v22.2 Beta to try it right now.