You can accomplish this task by customizing controls used in XAF views. The following topics describe how to access these controls:
Access Grid Control Properties
Access Editor Settings
In list views, it is possible to enable this functionality by setting the GridView.OptionsNavigation.EnterMoveNextColumn property to true. In WinForms, use the BaseEdit.EnterMoveNextControl property. In addition, note that drop-down editors handle the Enter key press to show their drop-down control. So, it is necessary to customize their behavior individually. Refer to the following tickets for additional information and code examples:
How to make Enter on a (TextBox) Control act as TAB button in detailview
EnterMoveNextControl and DateTimePropertyEditor
Problems with DatePropertyEditor and LookupPropertyEditor when using the EnterMoveNextControl option
How to set focus by the Enter key.
How to move focus to the next control on pressing Enter instead of executing the Logon action
See Also:
Usability.Win - Do not tab stop on disabled/readonly editors and columns
BatchEntry - Support for massive manual data entry (Batch Entry)