Ticket S30076
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ASPxListBox/ASPxComboBox - Turn off automatic item synchronization when the Items collection is changed during server-side processing of the PerformCallback method

created 17 years ago
Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 15 years ago

    The implementation of this suggestion has resulted in a breaking change introduced to the automatic item synchronization mechanism of the ASPxComboBox and ASPxListBox editors.
    To learn more on this breaking change, please refer to the "ASPxComboBox/ASPxListBox - Automatic item synchronization is now turned off when the Items collection is changed during server-side processing of the PerformCallback method" item within a list of breaking changes introduced in the ASPxgridView and Editors product in version 2009 vol 2.4.
    This list can be accessed at:
    Breaking Changes - ASPxGridView and Editors Suite - v2009 vol 2.4

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