Currently, we have a custom solution for this task: How to provide Pivot Chart module's functionality using the Pivot Grid module. I believe that we should make it easier to include this solution in the customer's project (e.g., create a built-in business class) and include it in our VCS (as a part of our source code or as a Code Central example).
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From how I understand the Analysis module is depricated and to be replaced by the PivotGrid Module. Currently neither of both solutions are usable for end users. The PivotChart module can only be used by developers or very experienced users and is too complex for end user customization. The Analysis module lacks some basics to make it usable for end users.
Also, the PivotGrid Module is not platform agnostic, and the Analysis module is.
So please consider these requirements in any of the two solutions:
- Platform agnostic.
- Runtime Summary Change
- Run Time Date Grouping with copying of columns. Example: I want to compare each month in 2013 to each month in 2012, based on the order date field. This would require a column on order date by year, and another one by month. I want to display the months side-by-side so I can compare. The new DevExpres dashboard (Not the XAF one) has some better implentations on how to do this.