Ticket S137487
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

WinForms - It is difficult to distinguish between fields with the same name in Customization Forms

Column Chooser - Make it possible to avoid columns with duplicate columns

created 14 years ago

When adding columns to my list view using the Column Chooser dialog I would like to be able to change the column caption. At the moment if I choose to add columns from complex properties and they have the same name as a column in the current object, I get columns with the same name; which is ambiguous.
  -> Name
  -> Number
  -> Name
  -> Number
  -> Description
  -> Number
  -> Store
  -> Region
choosing columns for Job:
Name | Number | Number | Number
So I would like to specify a new caption for a column when chosen in the Column Chooser or if that is not possible; have the column caption show the full path to the column e.g.
Name | Number | Store.Number | Region.Number
Proposed Solution:
Allow editing of column caption or show full property path for nested properties.

Comments (2)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 14 years ago

    Hello Gerry,
    Thank you for the suggestion. We already have a similar one in our TODO list: CustomizationForm - Introduce a capability to change a caption of an added column/editor and see its full property path. You will be automatically notified of any changes in this regard.

      It looks like this suggestion has been floating around since 2008. Any idea of if/when it will be added?

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 14 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

      Hello Gerry,
      Thank you for the update. We are afraid we cannot give you a time frame within which this feature will be implemented. If you cannot wait for its official implementation, we suggest you research the sources of related controllers, and probably modify them according to your needs:
      Refer to the Please update Layout Manager to reveal via tooltip or augmented treelist to show us what field is selected ticket for more inspiration and some example code.
      Please let us know if we can help you further.

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