Ticket S130614
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ASPxMenu - Is there a way to make all buttons clickable versus mouse over

created 16 years ago

Is there a way to make parent menu buttons activated on a click versus a mouse over. Also, is there a way to put a time delay on a parent menu button instead opening the childern menu items immediately upon a mouse over?

Comments (1)
Serge (DevExpress Support) 16 years ago

    Dear Robert,
    Thank you for the suggestion. We appreciate your idea, but have decided not to implement this functionality, because this will fail if a menu item contains a hyperlink. I.e. clicking an item will actually redirect to that hyperlink, not to open the corresponding submenu.
    Moreover, the ASPxMenu provides an AppearAfter property, which allows you to set the delay in displaying submenus.
    Thanks for understanding.

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