Ticket Q97588
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NewAction container without template modification

created 17 years ago

I want to create an XAF windows module that would extend the existing UI by creating it's own toolbar and a series of action containers in that toolbar.
I know how to add a new toolbar and action containers by creating a template form; however, is it possible to do this via a module without having to create a form template?

Comments (3)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 17 years ago

    Hi Mark,
    Yes, it is possible. You can write a new controller like this:

    public partial class ViewController1 : ViewController { protected override void OnFrameAssigned() { base.OnFrameAssigned(); Frame.TemplateChanged += new EventHandler(Frame_TemplateChanged); } void Frame_TemplateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //... //List<IActionContainer> containers = access the list of action containers here (using the ReflectionHelper or somehow else); // and then add your own containers to it }

    The main goal is to access the template and add the required action containers to its containers collection. Please let me know if you experience any problems with this approach.

    MK MK
    Mark Krasnohorsky 17 years ago

      Hi Dennis,
      Thats great. Thanks,

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 17 years ago


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