Ticket Q96067
Visible to All Users

create and fill imagecombobox in detailview at runtime

created 17 years ago

Hello support team,
attached theres a small sample application that demonstrate my problem.
I am creating an imagecombobox with images in the 'detailexpanding' event. In the same event i would like to fill in a value.
But it throws an exception:
EcxInvalidDataControllerOperation: 'ItemIndex out of range'
This appears in line 81.
But when i comment out line 81 and comment in the Button1Click event, run the programm, expand the detail view and click on "Manual Fill" it works.
So what can i do to create and fill an imagecombobox in a detailview in the expanding event?
Looking forward to your reply,
Stefan Henkenjohann

Show previous comments (7)
DevExpress Support Team 17 years ago

    Hi Stefan,
    I'm glad to hear that it helps you. Thank you for informing us.
    your new website design contains a little error in firefox… no enter in this textfield is allowed!
    Thank you for the report. However, we need additional information on this problem. Could you please provide us with step-by-step instructions on how to replicate it, and specify exactly which browser version you're using? BTW, the Support Center concept does not allow multiple problems within a thread, as this makes it difficult to properly track such items. So, could you please post additional information in a separate bug report?

    SH SH
    Stefan Henkenjohann 17 years ago

      Sorry that i am using this post anymore.
      The bug is not reproducible maybe thats a unique problem from yesterday.
      When i can reproduce this error i will post a bug report.
      But now everything works fine, as usal!

      SH SH
      Stefan Henkenjohann 17 years ago


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