Ticket Q575728
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Big Red X

created 11 years ago

I am getting an unusual problem. Sometimes, when running my code I get a big red x on my xtra report preview. the report only contains
a richtextedit control that I populate before previewing. I attach a screen shot. you can juts see it but sometimes the red x
is much bigger. If I hover over the red x I can see a message ' object reference not set to … etc (see this on the attached)

I didn't get an exception thrown, which I would expect for this type of error.

How can I debug this if the exception does not get thrown ???

The odd thing is, If I run the same code some other time, it is ok ???

I have searched the database and found other mentions of big red x is different tools but couldn't find a solution to this


Chris Anderson

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DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

    Hello Chris,
    The red cross you see in the preview means that the exception was raised, but it was handled by the XtraReport itself. If you attach VS and enable exception handling, you will be able to get the call stack. We look forward to your comments once you’ve had an opportunity to implement our suggestion.

      Hi Andrew
      How do I go about attaching VS to get call stack??? Normally I get an exception in try/catch loop, but this didn't catch the exception in this case

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        Hello Chris,
        In the main menu of VS, select Debug >> Exceptions… and check the "Common Language Runtime Exceptions" checkbox in the invoked dialog. (Also make sure that the "Enable Just My Code" checkbox is disabled in the Tools >> Options… >> Debugging list.) Then start your application.

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