Ticket Q575711
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grand totals color

created 11 years ago


I need to draw row grand total all one color and specific column totals and content second color. but if I make it this way:

procedure TfrmOrderReport.DBPivotGridStylesGetContentStyle(
Sender: TcxCustomPivotGrid; ACell: TcxPivotGridDataCellViewInfo;
var AStyle: TcxStyle);
pgfQuantity.Styles.Content:= cxStyle32;//red
pgfQuantity.Styles.Total:= cxStyle32;//red
if ACell.Row.IsGrandTotal then
AStyle := cxStyle208; //yellow

it draw all specific column totals one color and the rest of grand total row second color.
As you can see on picture all that is marked yellow has to be yellow.

thank you

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

The OnGetContentStyle event is intended to change the AStyle parameter only, but not field styles. I suggest that you try the approach demonstrated in the attached project. It should help you accomplish your task.

procedure TForm1.cxDBPivotGrid1StylesGetContentStyle( Sender: TcxCustomPivotGrid; ACell: TcxPivotGridDataCellViewInfo; var AStyle: TcxStyle); begin if ACell.Row.IsGrandTotal then AStyle := cxStyle2 //yellow else if ACell.DataField = cxDBPivotGrid1Value1 then AStyle := cxStyle1; //red end;
    Show previous comments (1)
    SV SV
    Stanislav Vrábel 11 years ago

      One more question.
      And is there a possibility to print it with the colors displayed in grid?

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        Yes, you can print this colored grid with our Printing System (see the attached project).

        SV SV
        Stanislav Vrábel 11 years ago

          Oh yes
          After comparison i have found it.
          I had there in Format report Use native Styles marked.
          That ́s why it was always the same.

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