Bug Report Q563961
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Web - High CPU usage in IE8 on WinXP when the horizontal screen resolution is more than 1280px

created 11 years ago

Hi DevExpress,

I created asp.net XAF application and deployed to our testing server. Then some users reported problems regarding high CPU usage in IE8 on Windows XP. I can simulate this behaviour in your XCRM demo too. Problem occurs only when browser window is maximized or resized. When window is resized to something like 1280x1024, cpu usage is very high and never drops to normal values. But when I resize window back to something like 1024x768, everything works fine again.
I don't know, where is the problem (maybe infinite loop in JS when resizing content)? When some popup windows are opened, almost 100% cpu is used and application is unusable, because is very slow.
Application works fine in IE10/11, Firefox or Chrome, but our customer still use Windows XP and IE8 :(

How we can fix this problem?

Step by step screencast how to reproduce this behavior (from WinXP and IE8) : http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c2VFI9n1aa
Regards, Ales

Comments (3)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 11 years ago

    Hello AlVa,
    I tested our XCRM demo in IE 8 mode as per your video instructions, but could not replicate this behavior in my tests. Would you please check whether it also occurs when IE 8 is emulated using the browser Developer Tools? I want to help you and look forward to hearing from you.
    I should also mention that we recommend using XAF Web apps in full screen mode only, because our default templates are not optimized for such scenarios.
    Can your end-users use the application in full screen mode? Does the same performance issue with popups occur in this mode?
    If not, how often do they need to use a resized version of the application and whether it is really important for them? This information will help us better identify the priority of a possible improvement in this regard, if it is also requested by other customers. For now, I am afraid the investment of resources to support this scenario for an old web browser is not on top of our TO-DO list.

    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 11 years ago

      Thank you for the additional information, Ales. We will retest these scenarios on a VM with XP and let you know our results.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 11 years ago

        Ales, I can stably replicate this issue on my virtual machine. The only difference is that it failed only when the horizontal resolution was equal or greater than 1280px.
        As I see from the scripts debugger, the problem occurs because of the circular AdjustSizeCore/AdjustSize functions calls (…\DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web\Resources\MoveFooter.js).

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

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